forked from forgejo/forgejo

Fixes This does the following for Monaco's EOL setting: 1. Use editorconfig setting if present 2. Use the file's dominant line ending as detected by monaco, which uses LF for empty file
206 lines
7.5 KiB
206 lines
7.5 KiB
import tinycolor from 'tinycolor2';
import {basename, extname, isObject, isDarkTheme} from '../utils.js';
import {onInputDebounce} from '../utils/dom.js';
const languagesByFilename = {};
const languagesByExt = {};
const baseOptions = {
fontFamily: 'var(--fonts-monospace)',
fontSize: 14, //
guides: {bracketPairs: false, indentation: false},
links: false,
minimap: {enabled: false},
occurrencesHighlight: false,
overviewRulerLanes: 0,
renderLineHighlight: 'all',
renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus: true,
rulers: false,
scrollbar: {horizontalScrollbarSize: 6, verticalScrollbarSize: 6},
scrollBeyondLastLine: false,
automaticLayout: true,
function getEditorconfig(input) {
try {
return JSON.parse(input.getAttribute('data-editorconfig'));
} catch {
return null;
function initLanguages(monaco) {
for (const {filenames, extensions, id} of monaco.languages.getLanguages()) {
for (const filename of filenames || []) {
languagesByFilename[filename] = id;
for (const extension of extensions || []) {
languagesByExt[extension] = id;
function getLanguage(filename) {
return languagesByFilename[filename] || languagesByExt[extname(filename)] || 'plaintext';
function updateEditor(monaco, editor, filename, lineWrapExts) {
editor.updateOptions(getFileBasedOptions(filename, lineWrapExts));
const model = editor.getModel();
const language = model.getLanguageId();
const newLanguage = getLanguage(filename);
if (language !== newLanguage) monaco.editor.setModelLanguage(model, newLanguage);
// export editor for customization -
function exportEditor(editor) {
if (!window.codeEditors) window.codeEditors = [];
if (!window.codeEditors.includes(editor)) window.codeEditors.push(editor);
export async function createMonaco(textarea, filename, editorOpts) {
const monaco = await import(/* webpackChunkName: "monaco" */'monaco-editor');
let {language, eol, ...other} = editorOpts;
if (!language) language = getLanguage(filename);
const container = document.createElement('div');
container.className = 'monaco-editor-container';
// also, monaco can only parse 6-digit hex colors, so we convert the colors to that format
const styles = window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
const getColor = (name) => tinycolor(styles.getPropertyValue(name).trim()).toString('hex6');
monaco.editor.defineTheme('gitea', {
base: isDarkTheme() ? 'vs-dark' : 'vs',
inherit: true,
rules: [
background: getColor('--color-code-bg'),
colors: {
'editor.background': getColor('--color-code-bg'),
'editor.foreground': getColor('--color-text'),
'editor.inactiveSelectionBackground': getColor('--color-primary-light-4'),
'editor.lineHighlightBackground': getColor('--color-editor-line-highlight'),
'editor.selectionBackground': getColor('--color-primary-light-3'),
'editor.selectionForeground': getColor('--color-primary-light-3'),
'editorLineNumber.background': getColor('--color-code-bg'),
'editorLineNumber.foreground': getColor('--color-secondary-dark-6'),
'editorWidget.background': getColor('--color-body'),
'editorWidget.border': getColor('--color-secondary'),
'input.background': getColor('--color-input-background'),
'input.border': getColor('--color-input-border'),
'input.foreground': getColor('--color-input-text'),
'scrollbar.shadow': getColor('--color-shadow'),
'progressBar.background': getColor('--color-primary'),
// Quick fix:
monaco.languages.register({id: 'vs.editor.nullLanguage'});
monaco.languages.setLanguageConfiguration('vs.editor.nullLanguage', {});
// We encode the initial value in JSON on the backend to prevent browsers from
// discarding the \r during HTML parsing:
const value = JSON.parse(textarea.getAttribute('data-initial-value') || '""');
textarea.value = value;
const editor = monaco.editor.create(container, {
theme: 'gitea',
const model = editor.getModel();
// Monaco performs auto-detection of dominant EOL in the file, biased towards LF for
// empty files. If there is an editorconfig value, override this detected value.
if (eol in monaco.editor.EndOfLineSequence) {
model.onDidChangeContent(() => {
textarea.value = editor.getValue();
textarea.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); // seems to be needed for jquery-are-you-sure
const loading = document.querySelector('.editor-loading');
if (loading) loading.remove();
return {monaco, editor};
function getFileBasedOptions(filename, lineWrapExts) {
return {
wordWrap: (lineWrapExts || []).includes(extname(filename)) ? 'on' : 'off',
function togglePreviewDisplay(previewable) {
const previewTab = document.querySelector('a[data-tab="preview"]');
if (!previewTab) return;
if (previewable) {
const newUrl = (previewTab.getAttribute('data-url') || '').replace(/(.*)\/.*/, `$1/markup`);
previewTab.setAttribute('data-url', newUrl);
| = '';
} else {
| = 'none';
// If the "preview" tab was active, user changes the filename to a non-previewable one,
// then the "preview" tab becomes inactive (hidden), so the "write" tab should become active
if (previewTab.classList.contains('active')) {
const writeTab = document.querySelector('a[data-tab="write"]');
export async function createCodeEditor(textarea, filenameInput) {
const filename = basename(filenameInput.value);
const previewableExts = new Set((textarea.getAttribute('data-previewable-extensions') || '').split(','));
const lineWrapExts = (textarea.getAttribute('data-line-wrap-extensions') || '').split(',');
const previewable = previewableExts.has(extname(filename));
const editorConfig = getEditorconfig(filenameInput);
const {monaco, editor} = await createMonaco(textarea, filename, {
...getFileBasedOptions(filenameInput.value, lineWrapExts),
filenameInput.addEventListener('input', onInputDebounce(() => {
const filename = filenameInput.value;
const previewable = previewableExts.has(extname(filename));
updateEditor(monaco, editor, filename, lineWrapExts);
return editor;
function getEditorConfigOptions(ec) {
if (!isObject(ec)) return {};
const opts = {};
opts.detectIndentation = !('indent_style' in ec) || !('indent_size' in ec);
if ('indent_size' in ec) opts.indentSize = Number(ec.indent_size);
if ('tab_width' in ec) opts.tabSize = Number(ec.tab_width) || opts.indentSize;
if ('max_line_length' in ec) opts.rulers = [Number(ec.max_line_length)];
opts.trimAutoWhitespace = ec.trim_trailing_whitespace === true;
opts.insertSpaces = ec.indent_style === 'space';
opts.useTabStops = ec.indent_style === 'tab';
opts.eol = ec.end_of_line?.toUpperCase();
return opts;