forked from forgejo/forgejo

There was some recent discussion about this in Discord `ui-design` channel and the conclusion was that should have fixed their OS font installation to have semibold weights. I have now tested this 601 weight on a Windows 10 machine on Firefox myself, and I immediately noticed that bold was excessivly bold and rendering as 700 because browsers are biased towards bolder fonts. So revert this back to the previous value.
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447 lines
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<div v-if="!isOrganization" class="ui two item menu">
<a :class="{item: true, active: tab === 'repos'}" @click="changeTab('repos')">{{ textRepository }}</a>
<a :class="{item: true, active: tab === 'organizations'}" @click="changeTab('organizations')">{{ textOrganization }}</a>
<div v-show="tab === 'repos'" class="ui tab active list dashboard-repos">
<h4 class="ui top attached header gt-df gt-ac">
<div class="gt-f1 gt-df gt-ac">
{{ textMyRepos }}
<span class="ui grey label gt-ml-3">{{ reposTotalCount }}</span>
<a :href="subUrl + '/repo/create' + (isOrganization ? '?org=' + organizationId : '')" :data-tooltip-content="textNewRepo">
<svg-icon name="octicon-plus"/>
<span class="sr-only">{{ textNewRepo }}</span>
<div class="ui attached segment repos-search">
<div class="ui fluid right action left icon input" :class="{loading: isLoading}">
<input @input="changeReposFilter(reposFilter)" v-model="searchQuery" ref="search" :placeholder="textSearchRepos">
<i class="icon gt-df gt-ac gt-jc"><svg-icon name="octicon-search" :size="16"/></i>
<div class="ui dropdown icon button" :title="textFilter">
<i class="icon gt-df gt-ac gt-jc gt-m-0"><svg-icon name="octicon-filter" :size="16"/></i>
<div class="menu">
<a class="item" @click="toggleArchivedFilter()">
<div class="ui checkbox" ref="checkboxArchivedFilter" :title="checkboxArchivedFilterTitle">
<!--the "hidden" is necessary to make the checkbox work without Fomantic UI js,
otherwise if the "input" handles click event for intermediate status, it breaks the internal state-->
<input type="checkbox" class="hidden" v-bind.prop="checkboxArchivedFilterProps">
<svg-icon name="octicon-archive" :size="16" class-name="gt-mr-2"/>
{{ textShowArchived }}
<a class="item" @click="togglePrivateFilter()">
<div class="ui checkbox" ref="checkboxPrivateFilter" :title="checkboxPrivateFilterTitle">
<input type="checkbox" class="hidden" v-bind.prop="checkboxPrivateFilterProps">
<svg-icon name="octicon-lock" :size="16" class-name="gt-mr-2"/>
{{ textShowPrivate }}
<div class="ui secondary tiny pointing borderless menu center grid repos-filter">
<a class="item" :class="{active: reposFilter === 'all'}" @click="changeReposFilter('all')">
{{ textAll }}
<div v-show="reposFilter === 'all'" class="ui circular mini grey label">{{ repoTypeCount }}</div>
<a class="item" :class="{active: reposFilter === 'sources'}" @click="changeReposFilter('sources')">
{{ textSources }}
<div v-show="reposFilter === 'sources'" class="ui circular mini grey label">{{ repoTypeCount }}</div>
<a class="item" :class="{active: reposFilter === 'forks'}" @click="changeReposFilter('forks')">
{{ textForks }}
<div v-show="reposFilter === 'forks'" class="ui circular mini grey label">{{ repoTypeCount }}</div>
<a class="item" :class="{active: reposFilter === 'mirrors'}" @click="changeReposFilter('mirrors')" v-if="isMirrorsEnabled">
{{ textMirrors }}
<div v-show="reposFilter === 'mirrors'" class="ui circular mini grey label">{{ repoTypeCount }}</div>
<a class="item" :class="{active: reposFilter === 'collaborative'}" @click="changeReposFilter('collaborative')">
{{ textCollaborative }}
<div v-show="reposFilter === 'collaborative'" class="ui circular mini grey label">{{ repoTypeCount }}</div>
<div v-if="repos.length" class="ui attached table segment gt-rounded-bottom">
<ul class="repo-owner-name-list">
<li v-for="repo in repos" :key="">
<a class="repo-list-link muted gt-df gt-ac gt-sb" :href="">
<div class="item-name gt-df gt-ac gt-f1">
<svg-icon :name="repoIcon(repo)" :size="16" class-name="gt-mr-2"/>
<div class="text gt-font-semibold truncate gt-ml-1">{{ repo.full_name }}</div>
<span v-if="repo.archived">
<svg-icon name="octicon-archive" :size="16" class-name="gt-ml-2"/>
<!-- the commit status icon logic is taken from templates/repo/commit_status.tmpl -->
<svg-icon v-if="repo.latest_commit_status_state" :name="statusIcon(repo.latest_commit_status_state)" :class-name="'commit-status icon text ' + statusColor(repo.latest_commit_status_state)" :size="16"/>
<div v-if="showMoreReposLink" class="center gt-py-3 gt-border-secondary-top">
<div class="ui borderless pagination menu narrow">
class="item navigation gt-py-2" :class="{'disabled': page === 1}"
@click="changePage(1)" :title="textFirstPage"
<svg-icon name="gitea-double-chevron-left" :size="16" class-name="gt-mr-2"/>
class="item navigation gt-py-2" :class="{'disabled': page === 1}"
@click="changePage(page - 1)" :title="textPreviousPage"
<svg-icon name="octicon-chevron-left" :size="16" clsas-name="gt-mr-2"/>
<a class="active item gt-py-2">{{ page }}</a>
class="item navigation" :class="{'disabled': page === finalPage}"
@click="changePage(page + 1)" :title="textNextPage"
<svg-icon name="octicon-chevron-right" :size="16" class-name="gt-ml-2"/>
class="item navigation gt-py-2" :class="{'disabled': page === finalPage}"
@click="changePage(finalPage)" :title="textLastPage"
<svg-icon name="gitea-double-chevron-right" :size="16" class-name="gt-ml-2"/>
<div v-if="!isOrganization" v-show="tab === 'organizations'" class="ui tab active list dashboard-orgs">
<h4 class="ui top attached header gt-df gt-ac">
<div class="gt-f1 gt-df gt-ac">
{{ textMyOrgs }}
<span class="ui grey label gt-ml-3">{{ organizationsTotalCount }}</span>
<a v-if="canCreateOrganization" :href="subUrl + '/org/create'" :data-tooltip-content="textNewOrg">
<svg-icon name="octicon-plus"/>
<span class="sr-only">{{ textNewOrg }}</span>
<div v-if="organizations.length" class="ui attached table segment gt-rounded-bottom">
<ul class="repo-owner-name-list">
<li v-for="org in organizations" :key="">
<a class="repo-list-link gt-df gt-ac gt-sb" :href="subUrl + '/' + encodeURIComponent(">
<div class="text truncate item-name gt-f1">
<svg-icon name="octicon-organization" :size="16" class-name="gt-mr-2"/>
<strong>{{ }}</strong>
<span class="ui tiny basic label gt-ml-3" v-if="org.org_visibility !== 'public'">
{{ org.org_visibility === 'limited' ? textOrgVisibilityLimited: textOrgVisibilityPrivate }}
<div class="text light grey gt-df gt-ac">
{{ org.num_repos }}
<svg-icon name="octicon-repo" :size="16" class-name="gt-ml-2 gt-mt-1"/>
import {createApp, nextTick} from 'vue';
import $ from 'jquery';
import {SvgIcon} from '../svg.js';
const {appSubUrl, assetUrlPrefix, pageData} = window.config;
const commitStatus = {
pending: {name: 'octicon-dot-fill', color: 'grey'},
running: {name: 'octicon-dot-fill', color: 'yellow'},
success: {name: 'octicon-check', color: 'green'},
error: {name: 'gitea-exclamation', color: 'red'},
failure: {name: 'octicon-x', color: 'red'},
warning: {name: 'gitea-exclamation', color: 'yellow'},
const sfc = {
components: {SvgIcon},
data() {
const params = new URLSearchParams(;
const tab = params.get('repo-search-tab') || 'repos';
const reposFilter = params.get('repo-search-filter') || 'all';
const privateFilter = params.get('repo-search-private') || 'both';
const archivedFilter = params.get('repo-search-archived') || 'unarchived';
const searchQuery = params.get('repo-search-query') || '';
const page = Number(params.get('repo-search-page')) || 1;
return {
repos: [],
reposTotalCount: 0,
finalPage: 1,
isLoading: false,
staticPrefix: assetUrlPrefix,
counts: {},
repoTypes: {
all: {
searchMode: '',
forks: {
searchMode: 'fork',
mirrors: {
searchMode: 'mirror',
sources: {
searchMode: 'source',
collaborative: {
searchMode: 'collaborative',
textArchivedFilterTitles: {},
textPrivateFilterTitles: {},
organizations: [],
isOrganization: true,
canCreateOrganization: false,
organizationsTotalCount: 0,
organizationId: 0,
subUrl: appSubUrl,
computed: {
showMoreReposLink() {
return this.repos.length > 0 && this.repos.length < this.counts[`${this.reposFilter}:${this.archivedFilter}:${this.privateFilter}`];
searchURL() {
return `${this.subUrl}/repo/search?sort=updated&order=desc&uid=${this.uid}&team_id=${this.teamId}&q=${this.searchQuery
}${this.reposFilter !== 'all' ? '&exclusive=1' : ''
}${this.archivedFilter === 'archived' ? '&archived=true' : ''}${this.archivedFilter === 'unarchived' ? '&archived=false' : ''
}${this.privateFilter === 'private' ? '&is_private=true' : ''}${this.privateFilter === 'public' ? '&is_private=false' : ''
repoTypeCount() {
return this.counts[`${this.reposFilter}:${this.archivedFilter}:${this.privateFilter}`];
checkboxArchivedFilterTitle() {
return this.textArchivedFilterTitles[this.archivedFilter];
checkboxArchivedFilterProps() {
return {checked: this.archivedFilter === 'archived', indeterminate: this.archivedFilter === 'both'};
checkboxPrivateFilterTitle() {
return this.textPrivateFilterTitles[this.privateFilter];
checkboxPrivateFilterProps() {
return {checked: this.privateFilter === 'private', indeterminate: this.privateFilter === 'both'};
mounted() {
const el = document.getElementById('dashboard-repo-list');
nextTick(() => {
this.textArchivedFilterTitles = {
'archived': this.textShowOnlyArchived,
'unarchived': this.textShowOnlyUnarchived,
'both': this.textShowBothArchivedUnarchived,
this.textPrivateFilterTitles = {
'private': this.textShowOnlyPrivate,
'public': this.textShowOnlyPublic,
'both': this.textShowBothPrivatePublic,
methods: {
changeTab(t) {
| = t;
changeReposFilter(filter) {
this.reposFilter = filter;
this.repos = [];
| = 1;
this.counts[`${filter}:${this.archivedFilter}:${this.privateFilter}`] = 0;
updateHistory() {
const params = new URLSearchParams(;
if ( === 'repos') {
} else {
if (this.reposFilter === 'all') {
} else {
params.set('repo-search-filter', this.reposFilter);
if (this.privateFilter === 'both') {
} else {
params.set('repo-search-private', this.privateFilter);
if (this.archivedFilter === 'unarchived') {
} else {
params.set('repo-search-archived', this.archivedFilter);
if (this.searchQuery === '') {
} else {
params.set('repo-search-query', this.searchQuery);
if ( === 1) {
} else {
params.set('repo-search-page', `${}`);
const queryString = params.toString();
if (queryString) {
window.history.replaceState({}, '', `?${queryString}`);
} else {
window.history.replaceState({}, '', window.location.pathname);
toggleArchivedFilter() {
if (this.archivedFilter === 'unarchived') {
this.archivedFilter = 'archived';
} else if (this.archivedFilter === 'archived') {
this.archivedFilter = 'both';
} else { // including both
this.archivedFilter = 'unarchived';
| = 1;
this.repos = [];
this.counts[`${this.reposFilter}:${this.archivedFilter}:${this.privateFilter}`] = 0;
togglePrivateFilter() {
if (this.privateFilter === 'both') {
this.privateFilter = 'public';
} else if (this.privateFilter === 'public') {
this.privateFilter = 'private';
} else { // including private
this.privateFilter = 'both';
| = 1;
this.repos = [];
this.counts[`${this.reposFilter}:${this.archivedFilter}:${this.privateFilter}`] = 0;
changePage(page) {
| = page;
if ( > this.finalPage) {
| = this.finalPage;
if ( < 1) {
| = 1;
this.repos = [];
this.counts[`${this.reposFilter}:${this.archivedFilter}:${this.privateFilter}`] = 0;
async searchRepos() {
this.isLoading = true;
const searchedMode = this.repoTypes[this.reposFilter].searchMode;
const searchedURL = this.searchURL;
const searchedQuery = this.searchQuery;
let response, json;
try {
if (!this.reposTotalCount) {
const totalCountSearchURL = `${this.subUrl}/repo/search?count_only=1&uid=${this.uid}&team_id=${this.teamId}&q=&page=1&mode=`;
response = await fetch(totalCountSearchURL);
this.reposTotalCount = response.headers.get('X-Total-Count');
response = await fetch(searchedURL);
json = await response.json();
} catch {
if (searchedURL === this.searchURL) {
this.isLoading = false;
if (searchedURL === this.searchURL) {
this.repos = => {return {...webSearchRepo.repository, latest_commit_status_state: webSearchRepo.latest_commit_status.State}});
const count = response.headers.get('X-Total-Count');
if (searchedQuery === '' && searchedMode === '' && this.archivedFilter === 'both') {
this.reposTotalCount = count;
this.counts[`${this.reposFilter}:${this.archivedFilter}:${this.privateFilter}`] = count;
this.finalPage = Math.ceil(count / this.searchLimit);
this.isLoading = false;
repoIcon(repo) {
if (repo.fork) {
return 'octicon-repo-forked';
} else if (repo.mirror) {
return 'octicon-mirror';
} else if (repo.template) {
return `octicon-repo-template`;
} else if (repo.private) {
return 'octicon-lock';
} else if (repo.internal) {
return 'octicon-repo';
return 'octicon-repo';
statusIcon(status) {
return commitStatus[status].name;
statusColor(status) {
return commitStatus[status].color;
export function initDashboardRepoList() {
const el = document.getElementById('dashboard-repo-list');
if (el) {
export default sfc; // activate the IDE's Vue plugin