forked from forgejo/forgejo

There was some recent discussion about this in Discord `ui-design` channel and the conclusion was that should have fixed their OS font installation to have semibold weights. I have now tested this 601 weight on a Windows 10 machine on Firefox myself, and I immediately noticed that bold was excessivly bold and rendering as 700 because browsers are biased towards bolder fonts. So revert this back to the previous value.
68 lines
3.2 KiB
68 lines
3.2 KiB
{{range .comments}}
{{$createdStr:= TimeSinceUnix .CreatedUnix $.root.locale}}
<div class="comment" id="{{.HashTag}}">
{{if .OriginalAuthor}}
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{{if .OriginalAuthor}}
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{{svg (MigrationIcon $.root.Repository.GetOriginalURLHostname)}}
<span class="text grey">
{{$.root.locale.Tr "repo.issues.commented_at" (.HashTag|Escape) $createdStr | Safe}}
<span class="text migrate">
{{if $.root.Repository.OriginalURL}}
({{$.root.locale.Tr "repo.migrated_from" ($.root.Repository.OriginalURL | Escape) ($.root.Repository.GetOriginalURLHostname | Escape) | Safe}})
<span class="text grey">
{{template "shared/user/namelink" .Poster}}
{{$.root.locale.Tr "repo.issues.commented_at" (.HashTag|Escape) $createdStr | Safe}}
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{{if and .Review}}
{{if eq .Review.Type 0}}
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{{$.root.locale.Tr ""}}
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{{$.root.locale.Tr ""}}
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{{template "repo/issue/view_content/context_menu" dict "ctxData" $.root "item" . "delete" true "issue" false "diff" true "IsCommentPoster" (and $.root.IsSigned (eq $.root.SignedUserID .PosterID))}}
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{{if .RenderedContent}}
<span class="no-content">{{$.root.locale.Tr "repo.issues.no_content"}}</span>
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{{$reactions := .Reactions.GroupByType}}
{{if $reactions}}
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{{template "repo/issue/view_content/reactions" dict "ctxData" $.root "ActionURL" (printf "%s/comments/%d/reactions" $.root.RepoLink .ID) "Reactions" $reactions}}