date: "2019-10-15T10:10:00+05:00"
title: "Usage: Email setup"
slug: "email-setup"
weight: 12
toc: true
draft: false
    parent: "usage"
    name: "Email setup"
    weight: 12
    identifier: "email-setup"

# Email setup

To use Gitea's built-in Email support, update the `app.ini` config file [mailer] section:

## Sendmail version 
Use the operating system’s sendmail command instead of SMTP. This is common on Linux servers.  
Note: For use in the official Gitea Docker image, please configure with the SMTP version.
ENABLED       = true
FROM          = gitea@mydomain.com
MAILER_TYPE   = sendmail
SENDMAIL_PATH = /usr/sbin/sendmail

## SMTP version
ENABLED        = true
FROM           = gitea@mydomain.com
MAILER_TYPE    = smtp
HOST           = mail.mydomain.com:587
USER           = gitea@mydomain.com
PASSWD         = `password`

- Restart Gitea for the configuration changes to take effect.

- To send a test email to validate the settings, go to Gitea > Site Administration > Configuration > SMTP Mailer Configuration.

For the full list of options check the [Config Cheat Sheet]({{< relref "doc/advanced/config-cheat-sheet.en-us.md" >}})

### Gmail

The following configuration should work with GMail's SMTP server:

ENABLED        = true
HOST           = smtp.gmail.com:465
FROM           = example@gmail.com
USER           = example@gmail.com
PASSWD         = ***
MAILER_TYPE    = smtp
HELO_HOSTNAME  = example.com